What we are currently experiencing with the Corona crisis is a completely new situation. Only a few weeks ago people in the world were in their working rhythms compared to now and it was all about production, sales and consumption as always. The world economy has done what it has been doing since the end of World War II, trying to keep growing. No matter how hard it is now for small entrepreneurs, the middle class or big car manufacturers, the crisis has brought everything to a halt.
Also for tennis players, tennis coaches and the whole tennis world the wheels have come to a halt. Apart from the financial worries, which will be enormous, we have lost a large piece of freedom. We are in a lockdown and can no longer get out and go wherever we want. Gyms, tennis clubs, public sports facilities, everything is closed.
But let us pause for a moment. Who were we in this time before Corona? Have we reflected enough or have we just reeled off programs? The daily training, going shopping, traveling from A to B, hectic at airports, hectic on roads and motorways, hectic at tournament facilities, eating fast to have energy for the next training session.
And suddenly: “WE HAVE ALL TIME IN THE WORLD.” Every day is now a Sunday. We are torn out of the same routines and procedures and have so much time for ourselves. Some people can't handle it. But it is a chance to make fine adjustments or major changes to oneself, to accept and use this new situation.
Self-reflection is needed now and further personal growth.
I will throw some points into the room:
Do I have to buy something every week to be happy?
Do I have to work my body excessively every day, or can I train much more cleverly?
Do I train for my ego so that I look good, or do I do it primarily to get ahead?
Should I spend more time with myself to achieve my goals?
Do I go out into nature enough and do I create enough opportunities to recharge my batteries?
Is there a working model in the future, which doesn't keep me in a hamster wheel, but allows me to live my life with more time for myself and my family?
Do I need all this luxury at all?
This time of deceleration can be a new direction for the future.
We can literally wake up now and start all over again.
We can now rethink our relationships with our parents, children and partners. A player now has the opportunity to think more deeply about the coach or team-player relationship. Just as well as what the team or coach can improve. The pressure of chasing points is not there at the moment. So now you can pay more attention to the stroke technique for example. Especially this is often, even if necessary, not addressed enough due to the difficulty to transfer it into the match. Training plans can now be methodically implemented 100%, because the adjustments due to long matches or exhaustion are no longer necessary.
Especially for players beyond the top 100 (Most of Top 100 have a court somewhere to practice) and at national or regional level, good home workouts must now take effect. Now that there is no travel stress and the player is not living out of his suitcase, the nice feeling of being at home can give the players a lot of motivation and energy.
But this new situation also holds dangers:
Competitive sport is a daily attack on the immune system. Athletes and coaches must be aware that after a strenuous session for about 30 minutes the immune system has a security gap and the body is vulnerable to viruses.
Also the hygiene regulations such as how often to wash hands, a safe distance (sport for two for example) and to stay at home if possible must now be implemented as well as possible.
However, an immune system and lungs can only be strong if they are challenged daily and receive qualitative oxygen.
Short walks of at least 20 minutes are perfect to supply brain and body with enough oxygen and to keep the immune defence high.
Use the time at home to play a lot of strokes in front of the mirror. Play against a wall, a mattress or a trampolin outside in your yard. Visualize moves and important points daily for 1/2 hour.
Recite positive affirmations like "this is a challenge I can handle", "this will make me stronger" or “I can grow better, when facing difficulties”.
This will increase your positive vibrations.
These are important right now, because if you are watching too much news, you will only hear negative headlines and that may frighten you. Fear makes your creativity and vibration drop. So reduce news and media and take care of your mind and body now.
Create a vision board and some rituals to structure your day. Training sessions are as important as quality time.
You will rise strongly from this crisis.
Stay healthy and see you soon.
These are exciting times!
“Respect all, fear none!” Coach Dimi