The lockdown makes it almost impossible for players without good connections (or a private court), to practice the usual way. Thus we can stay creative and keep our practice going in different ways. It is currently almost impossible to get a Mini-Tennis-Net online, because of the huge request, but for those who own one, it is a great way to practice even on shorter distance. Use it for example in front of your garage, in your yard, on an uneven lawn or on an abandoned parking slot.

Here is what is totally different, but you benefit from:

  • you train your anticipation triple times, because of missing lines or windscreens

  • your focus on the ball needs much more concentration to hold it up because of missing information for your brain to calculate speed and distances

  • when playing for example only volleys in the yard or garden, on uneven ground, you strengthen your tendons and muscles of your feet and legs

  • the most challenging way is to play without any visual support: without net, lines or a background, where the ball is seen clearly

  • if you do so daily, it will be so easy for you to track the ball again under “normal circumstances”

The following text is from Wiki to explain to you the importance of estimating and calculating the right distances, speed or time.

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The ability to estimate is one of the most important neuropsychological functions, because many daily activities depend on the ability to estimate speed, distance or time.  The ability to estimate can be understood as a mental process that enables us to anticipate or work out an answer when there is no other solution.

The ability to estimate enables us to predict the future position of an object based on speed, distance and time.  The brain calculates the information received by the eyes and determines what will happen.  It decides how it can react quickly if necessary.

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We use our powers of estimation in mental perception processes. Once the brain has decided which environmental information needs to be processed, it evaluates and estimates distances, speeds and so on.

In order to process the information precisely and make an accurate estimation, past experience must be taken into account as a reference for possible events in this specific situation. By using actual experienced situations, it is possible to better estimate what will happen.

This ability is considered as one of the "micro-strategies" used in the learning process, therefore it is important from a cognitive point of view.

Estimating distance: This is the ability to estimate the future position of an object based on the current distance.

This ability enables us to carry out everyday activities without colliding with people or things. Estimating speed: This is the ability to predict the future position of an object based on its speed. This ability enables us to move without encountering obstacles and causing accidents.

Estimation of movement: This is the ability to predict the movement of an object.

Estimating time: This is the ability to estimate the time between two events.

…. so now is the time to work on estimating better the distance, speed and time. A great way to do so, is doing exercises taken from NEURO-ATHLETIC TRAINING. Here the three most important systems, to gain high quality information for the brain, when trained:

  • Visual system

  • Vestibular system

  • Proprioceptive system

More of that in our next blog!

Stay healthy in those exiting times.

All the best, COACH DIMI