What We Do
The Tennis-Warrior Program should make it possible to become more resistant to negative external and internal stimuli. It should reinforce the positive stimuli so that the player can cope with stressful situations of life and competitive sports.
How We Do it
If the players follow this program, they will automatically become more resistant to stress, significantly increase their technical and tactical opportunities in the match, and become quieter, more cheerful and more independent in their private lives. They will see every match as a challenge and give it they're all. Victories will keep them stay humble and they will see defeat especially as a master to learn from.
The Method
The holistic training of the Tennis Warrior takes precedence over exaggerated point hunting, the dangers of burnout and incomplete development in their abilities. The individually-holistic-trained player has many more options in the match, but
of course, the implementation of these skills needs more time to develop than a normal training concept that can be transferred to all players. In the long run and with the brain developing to full expression after puberty, the Tennis Warrior program will pay off twice.