Our Mission is to Develop Tennis Warriors
Tennis Warriors are individuals who are devoted to becoming the best version of themselves on- and off-court. They grow through the four columns of development which are commitment, vision, knowledge, and discipline.
Warriors always face difficulties with solution orientated thinking.
Our Commitment
The player as the coach has to commit themselves with their best attitude, not only on short and mid-term but on long term development. There must be motivation and the right energy from both in the beginning.
The Vision
You must visualize your inner warrior to reach your goals and be aware of your thoughts to whom you will become.
The Knowledge
It is the coach`s and duty of the team to gather knowledge and useful information about all the areas that could improve the players ability to become even more competitive on high level. The new inputs must be adapted and passed to the player carefully. Some players want huge amounts of info, consuming them and trying to implement them with big enthusiasm, others get confused with too much info.
The Discipline
Continuous effort into your goals day by day will develop your discipline to stand up repeatedly for your dream.
A true coaching is about breaking down your knowledge for every player individually. The player must be seen holistically. Not only the main sport specific areas (Mental strength, technique, tactics and athletism ) but also areas like social environment, family, nutrition, planning tournaments and training, financial plan, rest time, physiotherapy (plus additional recovery actions), energy saving traveling etc. are crucial components which build up an environment, the player can grow in. All this knowledge has to be adjusted for every player individually and only the most important info is given to the player, so he/she can fully focus on tennis. If financial power or support is there, a harmonizing team should be build around the player.
The development of the player must be seen as a long-term mission with many different developing stages in between. To be able to perform the best in future, the player must be able to alligne three life streams in the narrow time window as a pro. The "personal life stream" (family,friends, social environment), the "tennis life stream" (everything addressing tennis) and the "inner self life stream" (everything which has to do with building your character). Bringing these in harmony and especially during the time window of a pro's career is the toughest quest for every tennis player, because a tennis player's life mostly takes place on airports, train- and buss stations, in hotels and tournament sites far away from home. For that reason the coach or/and the team play a huge role helping the player to develop a strong character and to make him aligne those three streams as best as possible.
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